About 442 Security

Image of founder

Darius Bohni

Ceo & Founder

When you fully understand how something works, you are able to find flaws and vulnerabilities that would otherwise remain undetected.

Darius' first touch with computer security was at the age of 14. While observing some interesting behavior on his computer, he was instantly courious how that works. He started his first research and that was the first time he was faced with assembly and the famous jmp instruction. Now, some 20 years later, he still has that eagerness to really and fully understand how something works and how it could be changed in one's favor.

His personal slogan is: "When you fully understand how something works, you are able to find flaws and vulnerabilities that would otherwise remain undetected.".

Besides his private engagement in the field of computer security, he has a professional education as a computer scientist and also owns the Master of Advances Studies in Software Engineering. After working as software engineer for several years, he decided to use his development and security skills to work as an application security specialist, which has been his profession for more than 13 years now.

Darius' experience ranges from tons of secure code reviews and application security tests to multiple trainings in secure development and security testing to countless hours of software security consulting and establishing the SSDL.

Some of these projects were:

  • E-Voting (Secure Code Review)
  • Secure email platform (Secure Code Review)
  • Cryptocurrency platform (Application Security Test)
  • Various e-Banking und trading applications (Application Security Test)
  • Mobile API authentication based on OIDC for a system with more than 1 million users (Architecture & Design)